Manufacturer of worm gearbox, bevel helical gearbox, helical gear boxes, bevel helical gearbox, smsr, planetary gearbox, worm gear motor, inline helical geared motor, bevel helical geared motors, hoists
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Classification of Gears

The gears can be classified in the following way:-

    1. Depending on the relative position of the geometrical axes of the driving and driven shaft.
    2. Depending upon No. of steps.
    3. Depending upon the housing design.
    4. Depending upon the peripheral Velocity.
    5. Depending upon the accuracy of manufacture.

1. Depending on the relative position of the geometrical axes of the driving and driven shaft.

SR. No. Parallel Shafts Intersecting Shafts Non-parallel, Non Intersecting Shafts
1. Spur Gears Miter Gears Spiral Gears
2. Helical Gears Face Gears Hypoid Gears
3. Herringbone Gears Zero Bevel Gears Worm Gears
4. Double Helical Gears Straight Bevel Gears -----


Spiral Bevel Gears


2. Depending upon No. of steps.
    a. One Step Gears
    b. Two Step Gears
    c. Three Step Gears and so on...

3. Depending upon the housing design.
    a. Open Drives:- The gear drive is without a casing and is subjected to the action of dust and dirt.
    b. Closed Drives:- The gear Drives are enclosed in special casings and are protected against dirt and dust and are
                                  properly lubricated. 
4. Depending upon the peripheral Velocity.
    1. Low Velocity: V is < 3 m/s.
    2. Medium Velocity: V=3 to 15 m/s.
    3. High Velocity: V is>15 m/s.
5. Depending upon the accuracy of manufacture.
    According to International Standard there are 12 degrees of accuracy of manufacture of gears, 1 being the highest.

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