Manufacturer of worm gearbox, bevel helical gearbox, helical gear boxes, bevel helical gearbox, smsr, planetary gearbox, worm gear motor, inline helical geared motor, bevel helical geared motors, hoists
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Bevel Helical Geared Motor

Bevel Helical Geared Motor

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Agro Engineers
(ISO 9001:2008 Enterprise)
F-557, Indraprastha Industrial Area,
Kota - 324005, Rajasthan, INDIA.

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Contract Manufacturing


Why Contract Manufacturing
Outsourcing the development and manufacturing of gearboxes which are inherently labour intensive can contribute significantly to a company's profitability and return on investment.

Potential benefits include lower product cost, faster product introductions, higher quality and lower asset investment.

You can expand your range by out-sourcing the manufacturing of products where the quantities are too small for you to manufacture in-house , yet may be essential for you to supply as a part of complete portfolio to your customers.

Agro Engineer’s manufacturing facilities with a right mix of automation and manual labour enable us to build gears and gearboxes which are comparable to `American and European’ made gear and gear boxes in performance and reliability. Our focus on benchmarking our processes against the best in the world and stringent quality norms result in slightly higher initial cost but significantly lower product failures and higher profitability in the long run.

Cost reduction and lower investments
Agro Engineer’s lean manufacturing systems and significantly lower cost structure helps you compete more effectively with Asian imports. Your investment in any contract manufacturing programme with Agro Engineers is much lower than doing the same activities in-house due to lower tooling cost and no investment in any machinery and inventories.


Pumpjack Helical Gearboxes use in Oil Well
Industrial Helical Gearbox

Over Driven Worm Gear Box
Solid Shafts, Horizontal Output and Over Driven Input Shaft Worm gear Box
 Motorized Worm Gear Box, Worm Geared Motor

Product development skills

Our product engineering skills and R&D lab help us to develop gears and gearboxes from basic drawings or designs. We can be involved with your design team in joint development programs. We offer facilities for performance testing, product validation and endurance testing.

Confidentiality and patent protection
We work with some of the topmost OEMs in India and overseas and can provide references about our `trust worthiness’. We have enforceable agreements with our employees which prevent them from revealing any customer information.

Strong quality assurance and process capability
Apart from our existing quality systems and process control methods, we will customize our quality systems depending on your requirements. We routinely use tools like TQM  in various projects to build appropriate level of quality and consistency in our products.

Communication skills
With access to broadband internet, low telecommunication costs and knowledge of English language, we can communicate quickly and effectively.

India the new manufacturing hub
Being the second fastest growing economy in the world, India is now attracting massive investments and is recognized at the destination for high quality-low cost manufacturing. While costs in India may not be as low as in China, Indian companies can manufacture products which as well engineered, reliable and have build quality similar to American or European made products.

For more information on India’s competitiveness log on to

Worm Gearbox | Helical Gearbox | Bevel Helical GearboxBevel Helical Geared Motor | Inline Helical Geared MotorPlanetary GearboxCrane Duty Helical GearboxesIndustrial Gearboxes | Custom Gearbox | Helical and Bevel Helical Gear Box | Shaft Mounted Speed ReducerDouble Reduction Worm Gearbox | Sugar Crystalliser Drive | Bevel Planetary Gearbox | Worm Shaft and Worm Gears Drives | Hydro Mechanical Equipments | Spur Gears | Helical Gears | Double Helical Gears | Internal Gears | Couplings

Industrial Resources | Technical Articles | Articles Helical Gears Capacity Ratings Agnee Bevel Helical Gearboxes | Application Areas of Gearboxes

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Industries we serves include Sugar, Cement, Paper, Solvent Extraction, Rubber, Steel Industry, Power Plants, Mines and Minerals, Chemical, Elevator, Textile, Plastic & leather, Waste water treatment, Food & tobacco.

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