Our product engineering skills and R&D lab help us to develop
gears and gearboxes from basic drawings or designs. We can be
involved with your design team in joint development programs.
We offer facilities for performance testing, product
validation and endurance testing.
Confidentiality and patent protection
We work with some of the topmost OEMs in India and
overseas and can provide references about our `trust
worthiness’. We have enforceable agreements with our employees
which prevent them from revealing any customer information.
Strong quality assurance and process capability
Apart from our existing quality systems and process
control methods, we will customize our quality systems
depending on your requirements. We routinely use tools like
TQM in various projects to build appropriate level of
quality and consistency in our products.
Communication skills
With access to broadband internet, low telecommunication
costs and knowledge of English language, we can communicate
quickly and effectively.
India the new manufacturing hub
Being the second fastest growing economy in the world,
India is now attracting massive investments and is
recognized at the destination for high quality-low cost
manufacturing. While costs in India may not be as low as in
China, Indian companies can manufacture products which as
well engineered, reliable and have build quality similar to
American or European made products.
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